Monday, October 12, 2009

Stuffed in a bag?

y don't think I'm crazy, offensive, outspoken or rude but shouldn't we spread the gospel around?
Shouldn't we make life living with God look like the most INTERESTING thing ever, when it really is?
Shouldn't we make an effort to do something?? Like if you started a club, p
oster, video or a dance, shouldn't we make the effort to finish it? If you prayed to God for something & got it, shouldn't you Thank him, & take the time to Appreciate him, instead of just running away with your gift, pretending like you don't know him. Like he didn't do you that favor... For those who are committed to him? Why do we do this?? It's like we STUFF HIM IN A BAG & zip him up & go somewhere & talk to our friends(like they do anything much?). I am a friend, who would ask about Him.

How are you & God doing?

Why don't we ever ta
ke him around & share the most good & precious value to people?, Why do we hide him most of the time? Why don't we ever make him a big deal when he really is? Why do we always zip him back up again? We might only take him to church & forget him once we walk out. While distraction & temptation strikes us, its our chance to run from him. When we're trying to finish a dance, play or a video, we easily let/want laziness to overrule us,
I'm wondering & just simply asking so many questions but its just so mysterious & weird to me. I may of done it before, but i try not to do it, i don't want to do it, because i make him the biggest deal ever. He created me & He can end me, He can give me a gift & He can take it back, He gave me trees, food, water, air, rain & enough sun & shade so
i won't have a dark, dirty, dooming place like a dry dessert to suffer.
He does all while loving me. He leads me into the right path, literally, He cares which road i choose and i appreciate that alot. the wrong road can just do you the harm and it will really suck for you sooner of later. So why forget him, Why stuff him and put him away?

1 comment:

  1. Amen cindy !/... i love this blog.. its true... we must be persistent enough to go and spread his name.. not keep the good news to ourselves..Nice Job. :-D
