Wednesday, December 2, 2009


December is a month of glamor. It's a month of joy. It's a month of importance... It leaves me with an excitement just thinking about it. If it's not my birthday, It's Christmas. If it's not those things it's the Christmas breaks we get from school & families get together during the holiday. A very exciting, fun part is picking & buying your dearest friends and families presents(and charity). My list gets longer every year, but i don't mind it at all. Giving a person a gift and seeing their expression means a lot to me. It really seems more fun to give than to get, and I'm not just saying that because its the right way to feel. I actually like it more than getting, but getting is nice too ^.^ A month of glamor. I can't think of a time where i dressed up a lot... than in December, Heck i actually have A GOOD REASON to dress up. Instead of just appearing beautiful & dressing up for occasions that are not for you. I have my birthday, & I'm expecting fun and generosity this day, (they wanna make me a cake ^.^) especially since it's my last year being around these cool people @ school I've come to know. I also get to celebrate with my twin!!! My twin is awesome, Were into mostly the same things, we get the same thoughts it happens quite plentiful actually idky, She's super nice, super smart & a wonderful friend. But not to go off topic=]... In Dec i get to dress up for me on a fun day & i get to dress up and look nice for Christmas too. Christmas is one of the most important days in the whole year. The birth of our wonderful, amazing Jesus Christ(in Bethlehem lol) and it's a day where everyone puts their sour attitude away and be generous.Our savior was BORN! That's a wonderful life changing event, & I'm thankful for Christmas,& for only this reason! He didn't want us to suffer death & perish, he saved us all from that, so that we(humans, his creation) can LIVE , even up to today, Today we live, complain a lot & reject him but he still saved us...he is a/the god of life...& forgiveness. There's a Christmas Gala in our church, Hope nyc. An extra reason to be glamorous. Our church will be a winter wonder land, We get

photography, people get to see an amazing dance(entertainment) a couple contest, games & prizes, good food & tons of fun and joy. December is a month like no other. It's a month for, me you, twin^.^, & Jesus to be completely happy about.


  1. Wow...I wish I could get dress like that for the GALA!

  2. or more pointedly, : I wish I could look like that in a dress like that! LOL
