Monday, December 7, 2009

Music used to be something that i liked....when...
-It had a good beat
-It was the popular new song out
-It was what my group of friends were into

But now... It's all trash!!!! I never u
sed to think about the meaning, i used to like it by not what is says but how it sounds. Now I'm looking for a true meaning. Now im looking for something new, Im looking for something not stupid. Love is so overrated like seriously! Love is not the only thing in life you may be good to everyone but it's not the only best feeling in the world. New songs to me are kinda errrr to me...i mean "LOL smiley face"? what the hek is that one about?... its meaningless to me.
i've givin it up....
This is just my opinion, I'm not telling you to stop listening to what you like... Music & me are not over. Now every time i put on those headphone or open i tunes on my computer, it's not for trash anymore...i have something
with meaning to listen too. Something good on my play list. The songs for my lord. They have the right meaning, different words, meaningful words that last forever. There are also some that have great beats. Songs about god wouldn't sound too good, they never used to sound interesting at all to me....but when you listen to certain ones, you know... the ones with a beat you desire Its the greatest thing you'vr ever heard. It can also inspire you to play music...something everyone wishes they can do. Today's music doesn't make you want to do anything but sit there for hours with headphones stuck in your ears. It doesn't talk about things you personally can relate too...its only about the lovers problem & dancing with hot girls.... that music ain't so hot at all. now next time when i hear something, i don't want just mumbo jumbo in my ear, I want truth & power...something i don't even mind singing to myself....What if you catch your self singing "i kissed a girl" or "I like it rough"(by GaGa) Yes! while you are singing that you are actually saying the chances are if you're a girl singing that, your gonna kiss a girl in future or be in a sexual position...singing after a song has happen before....You may think you're smart but life changes and gets you there somehow! its a mysterious way...But you know your mouth a weapon it self, your simple words will take you where you will go in life, your mouth is power & it can change something! believe it or not...i witness and experienced this enough to tell you this...not lying..true...not lying ..TRUE! lol so yeah, WATCH YOUR MOUTH! listen with you ears and listen to words, speak carefully ask me questions or leave comments if you have any lol

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