Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Get there

You have to go there
That desire in your distant stare.
Your heart wants it

Your eyes are lit!

Feels like it could be easy
You might need effort barely.

As God works & change up the tracks.

You're heading somewhere you can never imagine.
Don't even know how to react
I imagined a rock but
I'm now in the mud
I climbed a cliff but I'm gonna fall in the flood.
How so?
Why so?
Why did i go?
Why am i so low
& sore.

Do i even want this anymore?

Because of this tricky track

realized what i lacked.
I wasn't ready for this
not until i get rid of the weak points &
If i got there I really would of missed.
I could not show up there looking like so.
Now rather than a train
I'm more of an aero.
It was better than before...
intervention was needed
I'm glad i proceeded.
I finally got here.
You can't become strong without falling.

You can't walk without crawling.

It may sting sometimes but you learn

The horrible taste of stern
It's fair.
It helps you when you need to get there
It increases right
You can stop climbing
& take flight!

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