Thursday, May 27, 2010


When walking so close with people
You step more at them.
Affection grows
You're feet, twisted & tied up
like new bows.
Feel that they're figured out.
Know what they're all about.
The time traps you down
& you sink into the ground
not knowing you will drown.
You often spot their shield
& not to bother to search for the sword
You lean on so much.
Life feels like an easy crutch,
Easy to live on.
As you desire
You will also tire.
Your hopes have withered away

Out of your reach & out of your day...
Where is it?
I don't know...
You look up, down, high, low.
When you find them,
They will go.

Now your alone.
Forced into the feeling that you have nothing left..
No matter how much you talk & chase.
It moves much farther from your face.
Such disgrace.
Suddenly i take a step.
Didn't think i can do it...
Sudden pep.
I step alone
figuring me out
Makes me realize that i leaned to much
That i had forgotten how to walk.
It was time to retouch.
I walk & discover a light.
It isn't of my own
but it's still a great sight.
Gave me hope.
Glad i didn't mope.
I got it
I'm just so shock
because i walked.

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