Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I feel a joy as things crumble down.
I sense interference as i try to listen to a crying sound.
A good feeling races towards me, but it hasn't yet arrived
But it has something to do with god
The reason why i survived.
I am excited
for what god has in store.
I am sure its not the end
After all of this occurring
Great things even miracles are approaching!
I can feel it now
It's running AFTER us
We are going to have it! our father will allow!
It's racing fast
taking off with speed
what you have now is like a growing seed.
Your flower is going to bloom
meaning you get
Amazement like boom!
I wasn't too happy with my test,
I'm sometimes under stress
A relative may have died.
And to talk to my sister, i have tried!
I know i have failed and
I'm worried for troubles ones who had bailed.
But i am excited!!!
Because it's(god/good things) soaring my way
and yes I'm talking about 11/24/09 TODAY!
I know I'm about to get something amazing & life changing
I'm standing here to catch it!
never to miss a great hit.
I'm so excited
because here comes the blessing.
A real something!

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