Thursday, July 22, 2010


Now is the time to think
Now is the time to decide
Where are you going to reside? 

It's time to be serious
but you can have fun.
This is your life
& you only have one!

Are you gonna save it now?
Or will you save it later?
Are you going listen to the good
or be a debater.

Sorry to bring you to the edge of your chair
but there might not be a later
or another chance to care. 

There will be a soon
& soon is your deadline.
Get a hold of YOUR mind!

You're running out of time.

Life is going at some fast pace.

Against the time you race.
it will crawl & creep
run & leap
You can't defeat it
but you have to live on it
until it ends.

The Son of God visits
Now you have the choice to choose
Do you want to win or loose?
The game is simple
but the answer is clear!
Clear enough for the eyes to see.
A full blown explosion of  pain or peace.
Life is your now & it's in your hands.
Cradle it careful like a baby.
Now you have to be real!
Quit being numb you need to feel.
Put aside temptation,
forget about
distraction, attraction, relaxation, agitation.
Time to rise up, & start listening!
Time to start considering 

those who are irritating

Time is running out
In a couple seconds, days, years about...
Almost time to go
The results of this test will show!
You can choose now

Don't make today meaningless
You've got to be serious!

1 comment:

  1. You really amaze me with your talent!
    Keep bloggin cause I know it speaks to
    all who will read it..
