Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sound silly

This crumbling world

it's ever changing ways...
rapid moving days.
We adapt new traits.
We get new hates.
Wrong is our bait.
Too way into this world.
Doing the right thing appears silly.
Other than to help pull someone out from the hot, burning, fire
We're too busy fulfilling our small desire.
Instead of opening your ears & your heart to
such important news
You laugh & turn away
Saying you're good & okay.
It sounds silly when you tell someone that there IS hope for you.
It sounds crazy when you help & rescue.
It sounds weird when you still cheer someone who fell.
It sounds odd when you actually want to give & help.
It's awful , a compliment you want to tell!
It sounds good when you insult your friend.
It sounds real, when you're fake & pretend.
It's okay to push someone down!
It's normal if they cry and frown!
It's fine when you're the one being hurt & tossed.
We are so lost!
so misplaced
in this world
You think a silly party can redeem you.
You think your friends can cause you a breakthrough.
You praise your boyfriend before your God
You think of others before yourself!
To care is a dare
and a dare is to share
I think all of this is silly & odd!
Life is different
But this is my view
How does it sound to you?

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