Monday, April 2, 2012


The ever running stream of His blood
had saved me so long ago
from the mighty waves of sin overflo
Tamed it entirely
As He ,
today calmed my sea

In need of a hero

In this merciless week.

Like a shelter to hide
when they won't cease fire
Fresh hours of rest when the night
runs to twilight.

Miracles so timeless
Generous all generations

Still the Savior He had become.
still in each millennium.

Since the day
he laid
calmly stretched on Calvary

It has been something massive


none should be passive.

All are saved from the unknown anguish
which He couldn't allow.
He's here today still
saving us now.

Friday, October 14, 2011

This week

This week has been the toughest on me than any other this year. I've struggled, I was challenged, I was learning, I was repairing, I was hurting, I was a success!

The weight of college piled up on me like never before. I was taking school as serious as I've ever done in my whole life!.. so I'm not throwing this weight aside to anywhere. I've kept up
then fell,
then fell even more.
Last week I declared that I couldn't fall anymore

It wasn't only the heaviness of school laid upon me but also personal struggles. Inside & out. Every time I sit down to take a rest, I know I really shouldn't because there is much more to be done but the tiredness in myself refused to even listen. Time didn't go easy on me either. Some other personal struggles simply pressed on as well. Is there a bright side to this story?... Try Nova!
I worked and worked, made mistakes & fixed them, constantly try to get back up before I slipped again. I summarized this Wednesday day as horrible, tough & just looked upon it negatively. While reflecting on my day...I heard something. It was more than a thought, but it was something I no where near had thought of!
It was so much along the lines of...
It took a me a good second to figure out why the sudden positive short sentence? but I realized it was actually true. In my photography class that day I did leave ending up with the perfect picture. It was so hard because I've never worked with film, chemicals, pure darkness & prints.... ever! Not once! I was gonna call this quits. I was so caught up in my errors & imperfections that I forgot that I have succeeded. Strange isn't it?...
That was the middle
For the last days of this week
everything ended on a good note.
Today I had presentation, & my topic captured most interest. Before I've asked God to step in, this was just a thing in history & just a presentation..which turned into an amazing discussion.
In art I drew in my sketch book, I expected major critics & for the professor to point out the many errors that I think I see!

Instead I got compliments?
I'm not trying to be modest but i was so shocked. He told me things like "Excellent, Great, You got it Exactly right!"
Never got that before!

I'm just so glad that I have a God who changes things. He will put the thing I want right into my hand, even when I don't deserve it. I felt like this has all started when I improved my prayer life. I see Him more...I see that He sees me.
I see that I can be a success.
Praying really does something. Just putting that quality & your own crying heart changes the direction in your life.
When you're suppose to be headed down God sees & can turn you facing up.

I know everyone has too much of a busy schedule to pray but it's not up to us to work God into our schedule but we gotta work our schedule around God!
My schedule was hectic this week,
every class assignment was unbearable,
every struggle tired its best to fight me

every fear tried to rise.
I've stepped in & out of prayer during it all & made it!
He answered me
told me that
I have succeeded.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Starstruck by the light of the world

Appears much brighter than a star

So intense & so great!

Even from a far

My soul responds uneasily

& my own self shoves me…

Because from a distant I see the beauty.

A look so beautiful than every attempt of the imagination.

No one can cause such fascination

Crowds of them step up trying to shine & become the next sensation…

This light shines brighter than the nation.

Why so starstruck by a light I don’t know ?

Or you think I don’t


It’s more compact than you see

The light is inside of me.

A light that’s for me


couldn’t make things more



more true.

It fits inside of you!

Guiding your every step

& showing your next move

Igniting the flair in you!

I've seen those who are bright but don't have the light

I've heard some sing but can't compare to those notes dancing...

within the light.

They who are gleaming

providing such magnificence!



Skill so immense!

I'm starstruck

not even thinking above it

As the light still passes through

my view!

I'm Starstruck by the Light of the world & there is only one.


Who shines His light on all.


In my eyes I have failed
& in Yours I have only fallen...

With one peek at the overview of myself

I would have wanted to quit.

Every thought of it
every visit.

Reminiscing on the wrong
Do I still deserve to go on?

Thought it would of been better
to shut it, drop it, or just to be gone!
I've done so much yet there's much mor
e to be done here!

I would of thought my life would of stopped
& my mistake would cause my path to be blocked.

If I drew a sketch

& it appeared a mess

on the first few strokes...

away from me I would of threw
simply given up
& grab a new

Yet God?... Why are You still sketching?

Alive than ever
& living better

I never thought I'd get so far

I wouldn't of let myself
But He let me.
With things looking likely

My goals I never thought to see

In my eyes I have failed
& in Yours I have only fallen

I thought it was best for it all to be over
because I saw no chance to win

Just because I have fallen...

Monday, September 5, 2011

How Great

How great is our God,

How great is His love,

How great is His care,

How great was His pain.

Any other can sit comfortably on a throne watching the people

but this One so Great,Answers the cry of the broken

Felt & still feels more than triple our pain.

How great?

I can't say...


There is no such thing as enough.
No very thing in these handsI can give

No object
is enough& won't ever match up.

As You love so much,
My love can't stretch as far.
As you hold the world & universe in Your handsI can't touch just one star.
Everything you have givenOverflows,
& will grow.
The things I hand
are less
even at my best
Trying to keep the river flowing...& the love
alive & going
It's important to build up our fractionthan do subtraction.
When I giveYou hand back much more
When I try to do my bestYou would hand back a success!

When I give nothing
You give me something
It's all good to be truebut open your eyes, hearts, minds to see what God can do.
Witness, understand, know,
Let every thought & doubt unwind
What a relationship so giving
it's not all about giving to get

but it's to give & get closer with You!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Take a look

If you can only see what I see
you would understand me
& quit creating the imagery...

You can grasp every bit of wisdom you can find

from the outside

It's like nothing you will ever find
on the inside.

You don't see things the way I do
but I wish you did
or least take the look...

You would see that
Miracles aren't a once in a lifetime chance
Love can run you down & chase you
There is a reason in the gloom to dance
You've been free from it all in advanced (everything bad)

There is such thing as greater life

If something was to good to be true
Why not or never follow through?

You don't see it the way I do
but I wish you did

Your looks on me might be dazzled
& blurry
but the day you can see
you would of wished you've hurried.

I can tell you straight up your missing out
Life is more than what you think it's about

Sure you let go & want to debate
but do receive at an immeasurable rate

If you can only see what I see
you would understand me