In this Universe
God has made
So enormous, So perfect
I'm simply just a spec
The Earth so immense
too immeasurable for our hands
We're just small creatures creeping on the lands
God All knowing
All powerful
& Holy
yet my constant friend?
Who am I?
That You would save & defend
I've failed you then...
might fail you tomorrow
I can just drown in a cold pool of sorrow...
but you won't let me.
Your love is a mystery
Who am I
that You would come live in my shoes
See my point of view
throw me down a rope
to finally see & feel hope.
Who am I?
That you would take the pain
& pay the price that I've made
& simply release the chains.
You've made my life sustained.
We're so small
but mean a lot
Our own life battles you've fought
Today(Good Friday)
Our salvation you have bought!
You have given us things so special
Your Son as the most
Our lamb.
I still question who I am
God has never given up on us
Not during any nervous moment of being Jesus!
Everyone else has...
Who I am
is the reason
Why God will leave his throne
Because I am his own.
Amen! Beautiful!!