Friday, April 29, 2011

No Reason (Easter poem)

There is no more of a reason to be separated!
For the cross has brought unity.
The feeling of hopelessness has no right!
It's wrong!
& stands no longer!
I'm caught up in the rhythms of grace
& I don't want to step out.
Do not the opposite
Jesus has put an end to it!
sin is nothing more than a visit
It doesn't have to grow on
One day it will all be gone...

The way Jesus wants it

There's no point to feeling doomed
Jesus can wash that more than soon

His grace rains harder than our tears

Who's bigger?
your Hero or your fears?

There's no more a reason to feel unloved
Because he died for you
No excuse can escape the clutches of his love.

There's no more of a reason to fear the end
Because He has conquered the grave.

Because He's everywhere.

He may of ascended to the sky
physically leaving you & I
but he will still be with us
until the end of time!

Who am I?

In this Universe
God has made
So enormous, So perfect
I'm simply just a spec
The Earth so immense
too immeasurable for our hands
We're just small creatures
creeping on the lands
All knowing
All powerful
& Holy

yet my constant friend?

Who am I?

That You would save & defend
I've failed you then...
might fail you tomorrow
I can just drown in a cold pool of sorrow...

but you won't let me.

Your love is a mystery
Who am I
You would come live in my shoes
See my point of view
throw me down a rope
to finally see & feel hope.
Who am I?

That you would take the pain
& pay the price that I've made
& simply release the chains.

You've made my life sustained.

We're so small
but mean a lot
Our own life battles you've fought
Today(Good Friday)
Our salvation
you have bought!
You have given us things so special
Your Son as the most
Our lamb.

I still question who I am

God has never given up on us

Not during any nervous moment of being Jesus!
Everyone else has...

Who I am
is the reason
Why God will leave his throne
Because I am his own.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Holy Spirit

Power with such strength
bursting through the doors!
like a mighty rushing WIND!
Blowing in on the ones who had already sinned.
As gentle as a DOVE
He offers forgiveness

& his intense love
Burning with purity
Spreading around wildly
God gave Baptizism
with fire & the Spirit

Fire Falling everywhere in just one visit
Flowing life into us
There is no life without him
Only with him
its a safe swim.
Provides us with the anointing
The main thing
We've been wanting

Five symbols of the Holy Spirit

Found in God's word
He rushed in
& Answered,

During the seeking & waiting of people in an upper room
Where He first came in.

His ways

His voice...
so soft
yet Important.
His Instruction...
so peaceful
so accurate.
So calm
& so strong
His ways are nothing to complain about.
Nothing to exactly explain about.
We can come so close
Say what we feel
yet we know
it's all so real.
The feeling he pours into us
is like nothing else.
Leaves us anxious..
The love put towards us
is so enormous!
The gifts he puts in us
shine so true in
clear total brightness
The faith he has in every being
is bigger than the faith that I'm feeling...
People still wonder why this love is...
Why the worship?
Why is it in him we depend???
Just for heaven???
When thinking all about his greatness
It is not in the center of my awareness
His love is all around now
& all around later
Fades away never
because it goes on forever.
His grace...
So amazing
so life saving
His Love
So gentle
yet intense
His ways
So understandable
yet mysterious....