Monday, November 22, 2010

The year is coming to an end!?
"New Years felt like yesterday" someone had told me on Sunday.
I'm starting on my Christmas list now. Expensive cool gifts on my mind but no worries. God will provide money or just a way. A mysterious clever unexpected way that i have no idea about until after it happens. 0.0
God has been doing miraculous things lately. As this year gone by, the blessings got more & more
BIG! Sometimes I would say that I cannot believe it!... But since it all already happened i have no choice but to 0.0.
I'm talking Major Changes! Precise answers to our prayers! These miracles include: God answering our prayers in only minuets. Kids, teens & adults getting so much closer to him! Just as they wanted. People started to touched their goals. Graduations, Engagements, Marriages!
oh soo much more. Stubborn people letting go of their bad old ways, & changing for the better.
If this year was miraculous & unbelievable, I'm wondering how next year will turn out.
Before i was THIS close to God, nothing exciting really happened. There was the progress of growing & having more knowledge but it wasn't fun without knowing Jesus. I wouldn't even learn how to ditch the lost people I've called friends.
I'd be relying on stupid things to move my life. My life moved in big steps this year.
I'm so excited for next year!
I'm sayin getting closer to God & Living his way (what he wants for you) is the best way to have an awesome year. It may not be hard....but it's so easy ^.^
Life on Earth here....isn't so easy & it's not the place God where wants us to live forever, but whenever you're in some kind of jam, He makes a
mysterious clever unexpected way that you have no idea about until after it happens. 0.0 (like i said earlier)
He has done that many times this year & caught me by surprise every time. Sometimes when i feel something will end a certain way, it ends no where near that way. 2010 is an example. I didn't know i was going to wrap up 2010 with a hot new piano from Best Buy, plenty new friends(Jeremy, Shanae, Shenel, Jason, Sita, Tia, Anderson, Anita etc =) & being part of an Awesome play(Play of life: Epic Battle between good & evil).
I had no idea it was all coming. Life is pretty sweet. With God it's exciting, daring, unusual, awesome, amazing, surprising, fun & worth it!
As December kicks in I think about Jesus fabulous Birthday 0.0 & I brace myself for the new year.
It's also my birthday too! 0.0 (& No I'm not turning 15 or 16!) =)
Then the ice skating trip
Then the Christmas Gala
So exciting.

Happy Holidays Everyone!
Make Jesus a part of your next year!
If you do that...
Brace yourself for the miracles! ^.^

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I don't know what we're living in
but i know we're living in proof.
We know it with our eyes;
misguided with some lies,
kept back from revealing
with our shys.
Sadly some are
like the tide, pulled in with belief but
pushed back out with the denial
I thought they were going to hide.
I can feel the truth back then
& see the new truth happening now.
I can sense the truth coming up next
I listen, know, read, & suspect.
If the faith is lost
& going to be gone
What was the point of it all along
in the very begining
it was all you were singing.
The reason for your life
the reason for loving
the reason for living.
It was always there & it worked.
Faith is up to you
it's what you invested.
but it has to be tested.
You mean to tell me you drop it all?
Let all fall?
... out of place
taking you?...
out of your place?
Tell me...
Why let go of a strong hold?
In a world so cold?
A world not created by you
but created for you
It's not a move so bold
because our enteral soul
in this temporary world
is meant to be where life is.
Perfect life.
Not made by you
but for you.
Already there for you.
I prefer to wrap the truth around me
have it surround me
& never let it go.
Many lies can be started
by hiding
one truth
One simple truth, not so hard to catch
& hold on to
No longer want to be misguided;
& the lies?
I no longer want to be invited.
with help from my eyes
I don't want to leave the proof
that's inviting me to the truth.
I don't wish to be pushed & pulled
like motions of gravity.
I want you to be invited
& no longer misguided.