Friday, October 22, 2010


Turning unable duty
into beauty.

Revealing the blue
in my gray view
Lord you can do
it all!
You're more than able.

Even through me
or an angel.
Allowing miracles
as you choose
Impossible is no excuse!

Your will.

I cannot refuse.
Such a secured hope.
In life i go
around i grope...
In any block

& in any trouble,
You're my rope.
A sudden strong presence of evil
actually crushed.

It looses.
It cries, grumbles & is hushed.
Things that I've wanted so desperately,
I thought was too amazing for me

I now have it HAPPILY!
It was able & heavenly.
Miracles can happen
even in you.
Anything you dream

can be true.
If you just want it to
Then it's able

Because he's able
The Lord
Never fails you
Never will

You may have to wait & be still
but it will all be fulfilled!
Don't let a realist
take you downhill.
When God is able
Go as high as you can go.
Dream big
God can take you
He's so able.

Take him
Know him.
Your wants,Your needs,
Your life
It won't ever be dim
But alive & bright.
In your sight
Even in your reach.
& acquirable
Impossible yet
Surely dependable.
You just gotta know
The Lord is able!